Thursday, 13 October 2011

Open For Business 2011

This was my first time at an event like this, I've done art fairs, open weekends and art trails, exhibitions and projects, but never an event that was more of a trade show for new businesses. For me it was a chance to show how I have developed my practice over the last year, I have worked hard and taken advantage of as much information on offer, attended workshops, done emotional intelligence tests, got a business plan, and can now stand in front of anybody and talk about the selling points of my artwork. It has been a very valuable year for me in developing the confidence to believe in my own abilities.

At lunchtime, we had our own glamorous Mrs Overall serving us sandwiches, needless to say, in a room which had several stands of artists, she was mobbed. We know how to fulfill the stereotype of the starving genius's...

I had a wander round after lunch and chatted to a few other businesses, but felt I needed to be at my own stand more, during my walk, I managed to totally miss the Mayor of Derby so he didn't get to speak to me.

By 2.30, Andrew had arrived to take over from me, so I quickly changed my hat from artist business woman to school run yummy mummy, and picked up the freshly educated children. In response to my chirpy questions of 'So what have you done today' I was treated to the usual grumbles of 'nothing, can we have some food?'

So back to the Enterprise Centre, where I instructed the twins to look hungry and go and stare at people with cakes on their stands. It worked and they came back with cupcakes, lollies and sweets. I'm so proud of them. I just need to work on their blagging at the off license skills.

We were home by half 6 and following tea, homework and bedtime stories, packed lunch making, more homework (this time learning french for the exchange student coming on Thursday with my 12 year old), I eventually collapsed into a bottle of red medicinal wine.

I thoroughly enjoyed Monday, I got to catch up with fellow artists I hadn't seen for a couple of years, make new friends, join a life drawing class, eat lots of yummy food and best of all, my ego has had a massive boost from all the compliments. I love Jayne Sanders for saying my work was John Piper-ish nowadays.