View from Beaumaris to the Mainland.
My latest painting, again, not sure whether I like it. But I have learnt to do hide it away for a couple of months before I look at it again. I used my new paints for this, which are very vibrant and colourful, exactly the sort I love to work with.
I've struggled with this painting, at one point, I whited it out and had to return some of the vibrancy.
I also used a board and not paper, which is out of my comfort zone, I feel very precious about using boards to paint on and it was a challenge to let go of having to produce a perfect piece of work. When working on paper I am happy to make a mess and remain playful, to make mistakes and not feel that I have ruined whatever I am working on. I'm still trying to find this freedom when working on a different background.
My two wooden frames have been returned to me today, so the challenge will be to cover them in canvas and make two large paintings in the new year.