Friday, 15 February 2013

Exploring Creativity Workshops at Studio 61

The dates have been set for my next set of workshops on Exploring Creativity at Studio 61 Gallery in Leashaw.

This workshop is something I am passionate about exploring further and gives me the opportunity to put into practice some of the Mindfulness techniques I've been learning about on my life coaching course.  I believe that everyone is creative, whether it is in the art they make, the food they cook or the clothes they wear, how they decorate their house or how they live thier lives.

I plan to explore different ways that we can tap into our inner imaginations and let go of the idea of the perfect image.  We'll be using tools that challenge our perspective of drawing perfectly, adding colours that expand our palettes and using beautiful papers to explore the shapes that we have accessed from our unconscious.

I'd really like to give each participant something to take away with them to keep exploring this further in their own time, but this depends on how organised I am at making some paper!

There are 3 dates to choose from and I'll be repeating the workshop with similar activities, coffee and tea are available from Studio 61 and I'm really looking forward to working in such a beautiful setting.

So, if you fancy a morning of exploration, drop me a line on my email at and I'll get back to you!