Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Alphabe Thursday - I is for Inspired

I had a list of I's ready for today.

I is for me.
I is for Impasto a painting technique I use lots or
Intaglio for a printing technique I've used.

But I decided to use this opportunity to do some blantent plugging.  So this weeks I is for Inspired for Jenny Matlock's AlphabeThursday blog.

I have been inspired to enter the Race For Life.  For those not in the UK, this is an event that happens yearly across Britain, where women gather together and walk, run or jog to raise money for Cancer Research.  I've done this to raise money, awareness and on a personal level, to get fit!

I would really appreciate any donations to this cause, no matter how small because it all adds up and if you can do this via this link:

My Donations Page

I've got until July to get running, loose at least 4 stone and get healthier.  This is my first public pledge to do this.

And after all that here is a song I have been listening to this morning while painting Mam Tor in Derbyshire.

Scala - Ironic


  1. What a wonderful race! You will have blast running it.

  2. Good luck! This is a wonderful thing to do, and a rich experience for everyone who participates.


  3. How fun! Good for you!! You go!!!

  4. that's a wonderful event. have fun, and be careful! {:-Deb

  5. Inspiration to get fit or inspired to participate in causes such a Race for Life are two incredible reasons to fight against a horrible disease such as cancer.

  6. Thanks for your kind words everyone! I started the running programme yesterday (I haven't done any serious exercise since before the birth of my daughter and she is 12!)

  7. I love this! My daughter did this for a few years and said it was really wonderful!

    Good for you! We all need to do our best to make the world a better place. It's always heartwarming and inspiring to read how people are achieving that!

    Run, girl, run!

    Thanks for sharing this lovely little post for the letter "I".

