Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Very Exciting New Year

I feel very excited at the moment.  I'm preparing for an exhibition at The Crompton Tavern(more information to follow) and got my cheque in on time for the Derbyshire Arts Trail in June.  I'm joining a group at Banks's Mill in Derby and showing my work there.

I've been reading some historical context of Derbyshire and some of the travel writing.  Daniel Defoe (ca. 1659–1661 to 24 April 1731) was less than complimentary, calling the Peak District a 'Wonderless Wonder' while Celia Fiennes (c.1662-1741) was very scathing of the beer in Buxton. 

'... the beer they allow at meals is so bad that very little can be drunk..'

My favourite writing has been by Thomas Hobbes(c.1588-1679), the philosopher who is credited with being the founder of English moral and political philosophy.  His most famous work is Leviathon, where he presents his thoughts on metaphysics, psychology and political philosophy.  He wrote De Mirabilibus Pecci after touring the Peak District and dedicated it the Second Earl of Devonshire and describes there being 7 Wonders of the Peak.  My aim is to visit and paint all these wonders over the next couple of weeks ready to show at the Crompton.


  1. Now, I'm wondering what his seven wonders of the Peak actually are.

    I'm also trying to decide what I would include in my own list!

    Dovedale would undoubtedly end up in there (but only on the quietest of quiet days!!)
    The gritstone edges which my sons love to climb
    One or other of the stately houses
    A dry stone wall!!
    The Mam Tor Ridge

    1. I'll be putting pictures up as I travel to see his 7 wonders. But Mam Tor is one of them!
