Friday 16 September 2011

I've just done the online application for The Sketchbook Project. I'm quite excited about it, I've opted for the subject 'stitches and folds' and will be experimenting to see what happens. I'm already trying to figure out how I can get a sketchbook into my embelliishing machine... I will have to fill this sketchbook by January 2012, and post it off to the US, where it will tour around the world with other artists sketchbooks. I heard about it last year, but didn't take part, so this year have taken the plunge. I am setting myself achieveable challenges that will get me out of the house over the winter months as this is when I tend to withdraw and hibernate, which isn't good for me. I really looking forward to getting my sketchbook.
The above image is my first experiment with mixing the two mediums of textile and mosaic. Over the next couple of months I'll be developing these pieces into abstract images and seeing what comes out. Its a way of combining different techniques that I really enjoy using and hopefully make something that is aesthetically pleasing with some context.

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